Verify_Exit_msg - dbAppClient_

Specifies which message is sent during an exiting event (when a view is closed)

Type: Property

Access: Read/Write

Data Type: Integer

Parameters: None

 Property Integer Verify_Exit_msg

Read Access: Get Verify_Exit_msg to IntegerVariable
Write Access: Set Verify_Exit_msg to IntegerVariable/Value


Specifies which message is sent during an Exiting event (when a view is closed).

The default value (message) is Exit_Loss_Confirmation.

Exiting is called during forward navigation when leaving the current control.

The value of the Verify_Exit_msg property should be a message which returns a zero if exiting should continue, or non-zero if exiting should not continue. If this object's Verify_Exit_msg is zero, and this object is the child of another DEO, the parent DEO's Verify_Exit_msg is used instead.

If you set Verify_Exit_Msg in the outer dialog (e.g. dbView or dbModalPanel), all objects will find it and use the same can-close function via delegation.

See the Confirm function for a full explanation on the different possible values for this message.

See Close_Panel for detailed explanations of the View and Modal Dialog deactivation process.


This sample turns off exit loss confirmation.

Set Verify_Exit_msg to (RefFunc(No_Confirmation))


This sample sets exit loss confirmation to the default exit loss confirmation message of the dbView class.

Set Verify_Exit_msg to (RefFunc(Exit_Loss_Confirmation))


This sample sets exit loss confirmation to a custom confirmation message.

Function MyExitConfirmation Returns Integer
    Integer eResponse

    Move (YesNo_Box("You are about to lose changed data. Proceed?", "Exit Warning")) to eResponse

    If (eResponse = MBR_YES) Begin
        Function_Return 0
    Else Begin
        Function_Return 1

Set Verify_Exit_msg to (RefFunc(MyExitConfirmation))

The default value for the property varies for different classes:

See Also

Verify_Exit | RefFunc function