Property Integer Verify_Save_msg
Read Access: | Get Verify_Save_msg to IntegerVariable |
Write Access: | Set Verify_Save_msg to IntegerVariable/Value |
Specifies the message to use for record save confirmation.
The specified function should return zero (0) if the Save should be allowed, or non-zero if the Save should be not be allowed..
The default value for the cDbCJGrid and cDbCJGridPromptList classes is No_Confirmation, for all other classes, the default is Save_Confirmation.
For a full explanation on the different values for this message, see the Confirm function.
This sample turns off save confirmation.
Set Verify_Save_msg to (RefFunc(No_Confirmation))
This sample sets save confirmation to the default save confirmation message.
Set Verify_Save_msg to (RefFunc(Save_Confirmation))
This sample sets save confirmation to a custom confirmation message.
Function MySaveConfirmation Returns Integer Integer eResponse Move (YesNo_Box("You are about to save a record. Proceed?", "Save Warning")) to eResponse If (eResponse = MBR_YES) Begin Function_Return 0 End Else Begin Function_Return 1 End End_Function // MySaveConfirmation Set Verify_Save_msg to (RefFunc(MySaveConfirmation))
If you want to change the value of this property from it's class-level default value (for example, to make a particular view not cler after a save), you have to set this property in a data entry object (DEO) or data-aware container (e.g. dbView) that has an explicit 'Set Server' statement, or the property value will not be used.
RefFunc function | Verify_Delete_msg | Verify_Data_Loss_msg | Verify_Save