Events for dbModalPanel

View event list in alphabetical order


Inherited Events from dbViewFloatingPanel

Closing_ViewEvent is called when the component is closed
Opening_ViewEvent is called by the add_focus method of the component.
Prepare_Data_SetsProvides the developer a chance to check the condition of any file buffers before they are cleared
Seed_Data_SetsInitiailizes the main DSO (main_DD) with the record that was in the buffer when the view initialization began and causes the view to appear to "latch" on to the last record used

Inherited Events from FloatingPanel

OnActivateAppSent when the panel and, therefore, the application is activated
OnBeginningOfPanelSent by panel to notify all its objects when a beginning_of_panel message is executed
OnDeactivateAppSent when this object is deactivated
OnKillFocusSent whenever the object is about to lose the focus
OnPaintSent every time a panel is painted
OnResizeSent every time a panel is resized
OnSetFocusSent whenever windows is about to give this object the focus
Prompt_CallbackSends a callback event to an object that requested a prompt object
Shadow_DisplayCalled whenever a change in shadow state occurs, or when an object is paged

Inherited Events from DfBaseDialog

OnWMMouseWheelMouse Wheel event sent when a mouse wheel event occurs
SetHScrollboxEvent sent in response to a horizontal scrollbar change
SetVScrollboxEvent sent in response to a vertical scrollbar change

Inherited Events from DfBaseContainer

OnFileDroppedProvides a notification that a file drag and drop operation has occurred

Inherited Events from DfBaseUIWindow

CommandSent from external controls

Inherited Events from DfBaseObject

Form_Button_Mouse_DownA notification that the form's button has been selected with the mouse
Form_Button_NotificationA notification of a form button event
OnDeltaPosProvides actions based on the amount of change in this object and/or its value at the point the focus is moved off it

Inherited Events from cUIObject

ActivatingSent by the object to itself whenever the object is first activated (placed on the screen)
DeactivatingSent to the object when it is being removed from the focus tree
EnteringFires when the focus is about to move to a new object, sent to the object receiving the focus
Entering_ScopeSent to the object if its scope_state is true, and one of the objects within its scope takes the focus
Error_ReportUsed by the error object to display errors
ExitingFires when the focus is about to move to a new object, sent to the object losing the focus
Exiting_ScopeSent whenever the focus is moving to an object that is outside the current scope
Mouse_ClickSent whenever the first button of the mouse is double clicked on an item or in the edit window of the object
Mouse_Click2Sent whenever the second button of the mouse is double clicked on an item or in the edit window of the object
Mouse_DownSent whenever the first button of the mouse is pressed down while on an item or in the edit window of the object
Mouse_Down2Sent whenever the second button of the mouse is pressed down while on an item or in the edit window of the object
Mouse_DragSent whenever the first button of the mouse is being held down while users drag the mouse cursor from one item or edit line of the object to the next
Mouse_Drag2Sent whenever the second button of the mouse is being held down while users drag the mouse cursor from one item or edit line of the object to the next
Mouse_UpSent whenever the first button of the mouse is released while on an item is in the edit window of the object
Mouse_Up2Sent whenever the second button of the mouse is released while on an item is in the edit window of the object
OnChildWrappingCalled any time a wrapping event occurs
OnEnterAreaHook for entering an area, sent to the entered object's container and its parent containers
OnEnterObjectHook for entering an object, sent to the entered object
OnExitAreaHook for exiting an area, sent to the exited object's container and its parent containers
OnExitObjectHook for exiting an object, sent to the exited object
Page_DeleteUsed internally to delete a Windows control for a DataFlex object

Inherited Events from cObject

Construct_ObjectObject constructor. Initializes the object during object creation in class definitions
Destroy_ObjectSent when an object is about to be destroyed
End_Construct_ObjectEnd of object constructor.