Windows Framework Improvements in DataFlex 18.0

Button Class



If true, the windows elevated rights shield will appear as the button's image. This is only supported with Windows Vista/Windows2008 and above. If set with an earlier version of windows, nothing happens.


This assigns the image and can be used in place of Set Bitmap, which is deprecated. By default the image size is 16 x 16, which can be changed with piImageSize. peImageAlign determines the image alignment. The piImageMarginTop, piImageMarginBottom, piImageMarginRight and piImageMarginLeft properties determine the image margins.

If the Label is non blank both the text and image is displayed. If the Label is blank only the image is displayed.

This can be changed after the button is displayed.

Instead of using psImage, you can create custom images for different button states by creating your own custom imagelist. See phoExternalImageList.



peImageAlign determine the alignment of an image. It supports the following values:







piImageMarginTop, piImageMarginBottom, piImageMarginRight and piImageMarginLeft

These sets a margin for an image. By default these values are all 0 except piImageMarginleft which is 3.


If you wish to assign a button a custom image list you may do this by creating an image list using cImageList32 and assigning it to phoExternalImageList. If you do this, psImage and piImageSize are ignored.

Buttons support six image states: normal, hot, pressed, disabled, defaulted, stylus-hot. Your custom imagelist should contain one or six images. If the imagelist has one image, this image is used for all states. If six images are defined, each is assigned to the appropriate state.

    Object oImageList is a cImageList32

        Set piMaxImages to 6

        Set piImageHeight to 32

        Set piImageWidth to 32

        Procedure OnCreate

            Integer iIndex

            // these are normal, hot, pressed, disabled, defaulted, stylus-hot

            Get AddImage "ClosFold.bmp" to iIndex

            Get AddImage "OpenFold.bmp" to iIndex

            Get AddImage "OpenFold.bmp" to iIndex

            Get AddImage "ClosFold.bmp" to iIndex

            Get AddImage "OpenFold.bmp" to iIndex

            Get AddImage "ClosFold.bmp" to iIndex



    Object oButton5 is a Button

        Set Location to 155 140

        Set phoExternalButtonImageList to oImageList

        Set Label to "Folder"




This assigns a popup menu to the button. Normally this should be a cCJContextMenu. If you send the event OnDropDown it will popup this menu directly under the button. See OnDropDown for more.

Procedure OnDropDown

This pops up a context menu directly under the button. The phoButtonPopup property determines the context menu. Typically a cCJContextMenu is used for this.

This example shows how to create a button, which when clicked will invoke a menu under it.

Object oButton6 is a Button

    Set Location to 155 214

    Set Label to "Select"

    Set psImage to "down16.bmp"


    // fires when the button is clicked

    Procedure OnClick

        Send OnDropDown



    Object oButtonMenu is a cCJContextMenu


        Object oMenuItem1 is a cCJMenuItem

            Set psCaption to "Save"

            Procedure OnExecute Variant vCommandBarControl




        Object oMenuItem2 is a cCJMenuItem

            Set psCaption to "Clear"

            Procedure OnExecute Variant vCommandBarControl




        Object oMenuItem3 is a cCJMenuItem

            Set psCaption to "Delete"

            Procedure OnExecute Variant vCommandBarControl




    Set phoButtonPopup to oButtonMenu



The cSplitButton class can also be used with OnDropDown and phoButtonPopup. When the split button is clicked, OnDropDown is sent automatically.

Typically a cCJContextMenu is used for the popup. If you create your own the popup object must understand Popup, PopupLocation and be able to close itself when appropriate.


cSplitButton Class

This class displays a split button where the left part of the button displays the image and text and the right side of the button displays a drop down image. If you click on the left, OnClick is called. If you click on the right, OnDropDown is called.

By default OnDropDown will invoke a menu under the button determined phoButtonPopup.

Windows only supports this style of button with Vista/Windows Server 2008 and above. You would not want to use this with earlier versions. If used with a non-supported version the right side split will not appear and you will not be able to invoke the OnDropDown event.

Object oButton1 is a cSplitButton

    Set Location to 69 77

    Set Label to 'Save'

    Set psImage to "ActionSaveRecord.ico"

    // fires when the button is clicked

    Procedure OnClick

        Showln (Label(Self))



    Object oButtonMenu is a cCJContextMenu


        Object oMenuItem1 is a cCJMenuItem

            Set psCaption to "Set to Save"

            Procedure OnExecute Variant vCommandBarControl

                Delegate Set Label to "Save"

                Delegate Set psImage to "ActionSaveRecord.ico"




        Object oMenuItem2 is a cCJMenuItem

            Set psCaption to "Set to Clear"

            Procedure OnExecute Variant vCommandBarControl

                Delegate Set Label  to "Clear"

                Delegate Set psImage to  "ActionClear.ico"




        Object oMenuItem3 is a cCJMenuItem

            Set psCaption to "Set to Delete"

            Procedure OnExecute Variant vCommandBarControl

                delegate Set Label  to "Delete"

                Delegate Set psImage to  "ActionDeleteRecord.ico"



        Object oMenuItem4 is a cCJMenuItem

            Set psCaption to "Set to Select"

            Procedure OnExecute Variant vCommandBarControl

                Delegate Set Label  to "Select"

                Delegate Set psImage to  ""




    Set phoButtonPopup to oButtonMenu



cCommandLinkButton Class

This creates a commandlink button, which is consists of a an image of the left  (by default the Windows green arrow pointing to the right, followed by the button label text in large text with  optional notes text underneath it in smaller text. Typically these button are stacked horizontally.

The Label property sets the Label text. The psNote property sets the notes text. The image is the windows arrow but can be changed using pbShield or psImage.

Windows only supports this style of button with Vista/Windows Server 2008 and above. You would not want to use this with earlier versions. If used with a non-supported version this will appear as a big button and the notes will not be displayed.

Object oButton1 is a cCommandLinkButton

    Set Location to 55 77

    Set Size to 30 100

    Set Label to 'Command Link Text'

    Set psNote to "Test Notes can go here"

    // fires when the button is clicked

    Procedure OnClick




Object oButton2 is a cCommandLinkButton

    Set Location to 89 77

    Set Size to 30 100

    Set Label to 'Command Link Elevated'

    Set pbShield to True

    // fires when the button is clicked

    Procedure OnClick




Object oButton3 is a cCommandLinkButton

    Set Location to 120 77

    Set Size to 32 186

    Set Label to 'Command Link Custom Image'

    Set psNote to "Test Notes can go here and have all kinds of stuff"

    Set psImage to "vdf32.bmp"

    Set piImageSize to 48

    // fires when the button is clicked

    Procedure OnClick





This determine the notes that will appear in the commandlink button. Notes text will line wrap as needed.


cCJContextMenu Class




Procedure SetPopupLocation Integer iY Integer iX

Normally a context menu popup locates itself based on the mouse cursor position and it does this automatically. SetPopupLocation can be called immediately before you send Popup to the menu. You pass it an absolute Row (iY) and Column (iX) position which will be used to locate this popup. This is a one time positioning. The next time Popup is called the menu will be located automatically, unless you precede the call with another SetPopupLocation.

This is used to locate menus that are not invoked as right-mouse context menus. Buttons can and do use this to locate a menu. See Button. OnDropDown.


Tree View Class



Setting this property to true will make your tree view look like a Windows explorer tree view, which uses special chevrons instead of the normal treeview "+" and "-" expanders.  This type of treeview does not contain tree lines and therefore the TreeLinesState value is ignored.

Windows only supports this style of treeview with Vista/Windows Server 2008 and above. If used with a non-supported version this property is ignored.





The Popup_Modal message  now allows you to invoke a normally modeless View or dbView as a modal view. When modal, the view will act as a ModalDialog meaning that it will float outside of the application panel and all windows under it will be disabled. This means global menus and toolbars are disabled.

For example  a customer view could be displayed as a modal dialog from within the order view as follows:

Procedure Prompt

        Send Popup_Modal to oCustomerView

        // because this is a modal dialog the code here will not be executed until after the

        // the view is closed. You can do post-popup processing here.


The framework has no recommended way of working with modal views. The use of a view for two purposes, mdi-view and modal dialog, is not supported as a high level application technique. We are not recommending that this become a commonly used technique but it has been requested and in the right conditions could be useful. Note that this technique does have limitations as the global menu and toolbars can now not be accessed by the modal view. In addition using the same dialog for modal and modeless purpose can lead to confusion. An application should avoid the use of modal dialogs whenever possible.

A view or dbView can only be displayed once as a normal modeless view or a modal dialog. Therefore if the view is already displayed as a MDI view, sending Popup_Modal will do nothing. You could test for this and handle this condition yourself.

Procedure Prompt

    Boolean bActive

    Get Active_State of  oCustomerView to bActive

    If (bActive) Begin

        Send Close_Panel of oCustomerView


    Send Popup_Modal of oCustomerView


If you are invoking a view as modal dialog that view must first be created. Therefore this technique may not work if your views are deferred as they may not be created yet.   There is a technique which can be used to make sure that a view is created. Views that are created using the Active_View or Deferred_View syntax (which is the normal syntax used to create views) always create a method that is used to activate the view and to create it if needed. This usually takes the format of:

Send Activate_ + view name    (e.g., Send Activate_oCustomerView)

In addition an additional method is created that creates the view, if needed, but does not activate it. This takes the format of:

Send  Activate_  + view name + _Handle   (e.g., Send Activate_oCustomerView_Handle).

This could be used to make sure that the view is created and to create it as needed.

Procedure Prompt

    Handle hoView

    // make sure view is created if deferred.

    Get Activate_oCustomerView_Handle to hoView

    Send Popup_Modal of oCustomerView


This Popup_Modal technique will work with standard views. Do not use this in conjunction with the Modal_State property (don't  set this and don't augment it). Modal_State should never be set in a windows application.


See Also

What's New in DataFlex 2014 - 18.0