The Components section shows the total number and type of components used in the current project.
The DataFlex Studio operates within a workspace. A workspace defines the areas where your source files reside. The workspace is the area where you build your projects. Projects are built by assembling components into a single file. The components will use classes that are known to the workspace. These classes can be defined within the workspace, within libraries used by the workspace, and within the System Library.
A project is the code that you compile and run. A project consists of a file (usually a .src file) that uses other components (component files, class files, Data Dictionary files, etc.) to create an executable program. A project can be large (e.g. MyBigApplication.src), containing all of the components and classes within your workspace, or it can be small (e.g. MyTest.src) consisting of a few components that you wish to test.
You can create as few or as many projects within a workspace as you wish. Projects must be registered within a workspace. This is really just a simple process of adding a file to a list that Studio maintains. Projects can easily be added or removed from this list.
The Studio, and the Workspace Dashboard, are current project oriented. You are expected to select a current project and then work within this project. When you tell the Studio to compile, debug or run, it will always operate on the current project. When the Studio provides you with code-sense (interface information) it provides it from the current project’s perspective.
The Component section of the dashboard is current project oriented. It changes significantly depending on whether the current project is a Windows or Web Application project. It can include some or all of the following section details:
The number of data entry views in the current project is represented by a number to the left of this detail. This section detail has the following behaviors:
Clicking on this detail will open the Create New View / Report dialog. You can select the Data Entry View Wizard to create data entry views.
The number of report views in the current project is represented by a number to the left of this detail. This section detail has the following behaviors:
Clicking on this detail will open the Create New View / Report dialog. You can select the WinPrint2 Report Wizard to create report views.
The number of dialogs and prompt lists used in the current project is represented by a number to the left of this detail. This section detail has the following behaviors:
Clicking on this detail will open the Create New Dialog / Lookup dialog. You can select the Lookup Wizard to create selection lists.
The number of web views and dialogs in the current project are represented by a number to the left of these details. This section detail has the following behaviors:
Clicking on this detail will open the Create New Web Object dialog. You can select the Web View Wizard to create web views.
The number of web service objects (WSOs) in the current project is represented by a number to the left of this detail. This section detail has the following behaviors:
Clicking on this detail will open the Create New Web Object dialog. You can select the Web Service Object dialog to create WSOs.
Clicking on this link will launch the DataFlex Help System and display the Workspace Dashboard Help.